This is the measurement of the SB Acoustics SB29RDC at 1m on axis in the box
Notice the realitive flat response already form 600Hz - the wide baffle does the trick
The measurement of the Seas MCA15RCY midrange - notice the response at higher frequencies no visible break-up
and the low end suffers a bit from the relativly small enclosure
The response and impulse of the Seas CA22RNX without / with reflex-port
Notice the very small changes in response below 60Hz with / without port - in this room / placement there was very
little to gain by a ported design and the effect of stuffing the port was remarkable - much better difinition at no cost...
The measured total response "in room" at 1m on axis
as allways the response is very much affect of the placement of the microphone in the room below 500Hz
![](Events/KBH_HiFiKlub demo 20130308_2.jpg)
In the break the setup was discussed and some had a beer to flush down the many impressions
![](Events/KBH_HiFiKlub demo 20130308_5.jpg)
Intensive listening of the various setup options and presets
Thank you, Peter, for the invitation to this small Friday evening event