







Gallery Christian S

Busk Audio The Conductor Api - Now Active !

The Conductor project is designed by Martin Busk of Busk Audio. The model in this gallery was build for his friend Christian. The model is equipped with Vifa ring radiator tweeter XT25, Scan Speak 15M4831G00 midrange and Scan Speak 26W8861T00 bass. The bass has a 60 litres close chamber with 2 x Scan Speak flow resistors placed on the back - also called an aperiodic bass system.

Design drawings of the successful Conductor project

Below a lot of pictures of the box building process

Inner cabinet made of 19mm chipboard

Next layer is 19mm MDF plate

Right - Cutout for the speaker units, and extra cut out for the midrange for better airflow

Cabit ready for the last 2 layers of 19mm mdf plate, the front and back is now made of 1layer 19mm chipplate and 3layer of 19mm mdf plate. A total of 76mm front. Sides and bottom are made of 19mm chipplate and 19mm mdf plate, top made of 19mm chipplate and 2 layers 19mm mdf plate.




Very typical - what I think all DIY builders do.
To see the result of their work they mount the drivers in the raw box...
And in this case some measurements were made for the passive crossover

Wouldn't you say that it is a very nice finish - I am

The Conductor started out as a passive loudspeaker and this is the assembly of it

Side by side - the master's own Conductor Alu and the Conductor Api for his friend

To the right:
Custom made 38mm spikes of stainless steel.
The spikes will last forever


Pictures of the passive version a few years before the upgrade

Upgrading to active drive with Ground Sound electronics


The active audio system consists of:

  • Transport: Mini PC with essence soundcard
  • Dac/preamp: Emotiva Dac 1
  • Digital filters: 2 x Ground Sound DCN23boxes
  • Amplifier for tweerter: NAD 275BEE
  • Amplifier for midrange: NAD 275BEE
  • Amplifier for bass: Carver A-500X

Upgrading them for active use, so out with the passive filters, and in with a 3. set of speaker terminals

Comments about the new active sound from Christian in Danish:

Jeg havde egentlig bare regnet med min bas ville komme på plads, i bedste tilfælde, men puha...

Alt er blevet løftet til noget jeg aldrig havde regnet med på mit ydmyge setup. Jeg sidder rent faktisk og oplever den tunnel oplevelse og gåsehud jeg får hos Busken og Grisen. Jeg er for at sige det mildt, vanvittigt overrasket. Min diskant og mellemtone lyder som om der før blev råbt gennem et sugerør, og der nu er et nedløbsrør.

Jeg er pt. igang med at lytte min musik en gang igennem igen, og det er en helt fantastisk oplevelse. Dette er på det filter Busken satte op på kort tid, måske vi kan tune det endnu bedre, selvom jeg tvivler på det kan blive bedre.

Min bas, er kommet helt og aldeles på plads, selvom mine kabinetter slet ikke burde kunne spille så dybt.
TAK Robert Hvor er det dog et genialt produkt.

Nu, da jeg kan undvære mine subs, er det planen alt undtaget TV og højttalerne kommer ind i et andet rum, så der intet forstyrrelnde er - men det er mit mini projekt over de næste uger.

Jeg melder tilbage når jeg har lyttet mere, og kan fortælle endnu flere detaljer om det her eventyr !


Actually I had just guessed that my bass would get right, at best, but whew ...

Everything has been elevated to something I had never expected from my humble setup. I am actually sitting and experiencing the "tunnel experience" and goosebumps that I get, when I am listening to Busk's and Grisen's systems. To put it mildly, I am incredibly surprised. My treble and midrange sounds like there before was yelled through a straw, and there is now a drainpipe.

I have started to listening through my music collection once again, and it's a fantastic experience. This is with the filter setop that Busk made in a very short time, - maybe we can tune it even better, though I doubt it can be better.

My bass has gotten entirely right, although my cabinets should never be able to play this deep.
THANKS Robert It is such a brilliant product.

Now that I can do without my subs, the plan is to move everything except TV and speakers into another room, so that there is nothing to disturb - but that's my mini-project over the next weeks.

I report back when I listened some more, and I will be able to tell more details about this adventure!


Measurements - first with XTZ room analyzer, to get the bass right for the room. Next with Clio for the rest. Last a lot of listening and tweaking before the end result


Comments about the measurements and setup from Mr. Busk himself in Danish:

Som Christian sagde flere gange, mens jeg målte og satte filtrene op, jeg fatter intet af hvad du siger, men det lyder teknisk , men at se hans ansigt da vi begyndte at lytte til musik var priceless

Til teknørderne.

Jeg startede ud med at måle rummet med XTZen, og Christian har en meget hi-fi venlig stue, der var kun en room mode ved 36hz som skulle dæmpes med 6db, og så var der et dyk ved 50hz som skulle hæves med 4db, og så var det på plads.

Bassen sidder i 60litter aperiodisk og ruller af ved 42hz, der har fået en eq på 8db ved 25hz med en båndbrede der passer med at den langsom hæver fra 42hz og ned til de 25hz, og måling med XTZ viste at det nu er jævnt ned til de 25hz

Der deles ved 250hz da jeg ikke syntes det lyder så fedt ved 200hz da mellembassen skal varetages af en 5,25" og 300hz er for meget, så midt i mellem er det bedste kompromi i mine øre. Der deles med 24dB linkwitz reily.

Mellemtone arbejder fra 250Hz til 3500Hz med 24dBs linkwitz reily. Der er tilført et 2. ordens lowshelf fra 1000hz og ned til delefrekvensen med 2dB.

Diskanten deles fra de 3500Hz med 24dBs Linkwitz Riley. Her er der så ikke pillet mere, da børnegitteret giver så mange reflektioner, at målingen her ikke vil afsløre noget der kan bruges, men den ser nu meget ret ud uden nogen grimme afvigelser, og ved lytning er der ikke noget at sætte en finger på.


As Christian said several times while I measured and set up the filters, I understand nothing of what you are saying, but it sounds technical . Watching his face when we started listening to music was priceless this was something he could understand

For the nerds:

I started out measuring the room with XTZen - Christian has a very Hi-Fi friendly living room. There is only one room mode at 36hz which was attenuated by 6dB and a dip at 50hz which was gained by 4dB - the bass was sorted out.

The bass is in a 60 litter aperiodic enclosure and rolls off at 42hz, which have had an EQ of 8dB at 25Hz with a bandwidth that fits with the slow rise from 42hz and down to 25Hz. Measurement with XTZ showed linear response to 25Hz

Cross point is chosen to be 250Hz because I don't like the sound of the 5,25" in the upper bass with a 200Hz crossover point and at the same time I think 300Hz is too high, so the in between is the best compromise in my ear. The crossover slopes are 24dB Linkwitz Riley.

Midrange works from 250Hz to 3500Hz with 24dBs Linkwitz Riley. I have applied a 2nd order low-shelving filter from 1000Hz down to the crossover frequency with 2dB gain.

The tweeter is crossed at 3500Hz / 24dB Linkwitz-Riley. Here is there not tampered with the tweeter response because kids lattice gives so many reflections that measurement will not make any sense. The tweeter response looks just about right anyway without too many deviations. And listening tests give something to point fingers at.

And you know what...
They are already thinking of an upgrade... AMT because it's so easy © Ground Sound * Products of Denmark