







High End Show
in Munich 2010

The Ground Sound stand at the High End Show 2010 was a combination of a workshop and display of modules and the possibilities of our products. We offer a range of modules for active amplification for Do-It-Yourself, OEM customers and entrepreneurs who make custom-made sound reproduction solution in Sound Studios, Home Theatres and dedicated stereo entertainment.

At the opening day Thursday, we had actually arranged for measurements of Roland H's DIY loudspeakers right on the stand. This created a lot of interest and it took much longer than a normal measurement procedure would have done and we even had to postpone the séance twice for more than an hour, because af all the visitors! Some would probably call it chaos at the Ground Sound stand…

I really have to say THANK YOU to all of our visitors
for your extreme interest and the many qualified questions

Here is an overview of the Ground Sound stand.

In the front, you see a custom-made Coolback to be built into the wall together with speakers in a Home Theatre. Note the small silver anodized chassis on the floor beneith the table - it's a 4 channel amplifier that powers the small 2-way active bookshelf loudspeakers with Focal drivers. The Focal loudspeaker kit is called Esprit developed and distributed by Lautsprechershop. The kit was orginally a passive box, but I (Robert GS) assembled and painted an active version for the Show in Munich in 24 hours and the simplest part was actually the setup in XOverWizard II advanced as it only took 25 minutes including explanation to Dennis Frank from Lautsperchershop. The filtering was of course done by our new Digital Crossover DCN28 with digital sources.

Alles perfekt !

Here you see the XT612 loudspeaker project that has been tested in both Klang+Ton and Elektor Audio Special.
In the background you see the rack with 2 x new Digital Crossover / Preamplifier, DCN28

Robert GS ready to explain about the possibilities of measurements with our XOverWizard II advanced software. Many took the chance of getting an insight of this great "tool" for setting up a loudspeaker system with ease !

Ground Sound modules on display
- Digital Crossover modules, Power Amplifier modules and Power Supply modules

2 x DCN28 on display (back/front) and DCN23BOX on top - the active Esprit loudspeaker kit with Focal drivers

Just couldn't help it - I had to show you this picture although it isn't my kind of toy...

At the stand I was assisted by Daniel Gattig from Lautsprechershop

- thanks Daniel !

I really appreciate your effort

Go to the report from High End Show Munich 2011 © Ground Sound * Products of Denmark