CoolbackSub.pdf Manual
Coolback Sub is a sophisticated, luxurious and powerful subwoofer "plate amplifier" intended to be
build into the back of the loudspeaker. The electronics consists of a digital crossover DCN22
and a class H power amplifier module HPA2K and
a dedicated power supply for the digital crossover and the power amplifier. The power supply PSU8AGS
features individual rails; one for the digital circuitry; another for analogue supply of the the converters and yet a third for the positive
and negative supply for the op-amps. The power supply also features an Automatic sense turn ON / OFF circuit and of course a soft
start to prevent house fuse drop out. The toroidal transformer is a 600VA low noise type. All electronics are assembled on a 200mm x 40mm
German made aluminium heat sink profile with a height of 650mm. The high quality aluminium heat sink is CNC machined in Denmark.
The maximum flange can be 17mm.
The combination of low thermal resistance heat sink and low idle power consumption amplifier module makes the Coolback Sub run
very cool.
The only visible on the outside are the connectors (Balanced Input - Neutrik XLR, PC Communication - Neutrik USB and IEC mains
Power inlet), Operation Switch (ON-OFF-AUTO) and LED Indicators (ON-StandBy). The Coolback Sub is ideal for an ambitious
large high power subwoofer with impedances as low as 2Ω.
The Coolback Sub can be programmed by XOverWizard II standard or
XOverWizard II advanced software. The software makes the Coolback Sub a precision tool for the ambitious DIY person and
optimal loudspeaker setups can be achieved.
